Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. This photo is considered my most transformative photo because through this photo I learned that even emotions can be captured in photography. On this very day, we were asked to take photos of your children while they continuously played and ran around. While taking this photo, I constantly had to deal with shutter speed and lighting to capture the perfect photo. However, after taking this photo and uploading it, I realized that people did not notice the shutter speed or lighting or the different elements of art. Instead, they noticed. at a first glance, children running around, having fun, and smiling. The emotion portrayed in this photo is happiness and vivacity. Furthermore, this emotion can then be transferred to the people looking at this photo, making them feel content and happy as well.

5. Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length and width. In my post, I used a leaf to show shape because the outer contours of the leaf show an outline similar to that of a heart.  Forms on the other hand, are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. For example, balls, cylinders, boxes, and pyramids. In my post, I used a flower type plant to express form. In this picture, the photograph is detailed enough to show depth, length, and width of the flower petals. Both are elements in art, but express different things. Shape expresses objects in 2-D form and form expresses objects in 3-D form. 

6. Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art. Patterns repeat groups of elements or motifs in a predictable manner. In my photo, pattern is represented in the squares created by the wiring of the fence. Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art. Repetition might be limited to only an instance or two: not enough to create a pattern or rhythm, but enough to cause a visual echo and reinforce or accent certain aspects of the work. In my photo, repetition is shown through the ovals created by the structure of the chains. The ovals show repetition and not pattern because the ovals are not shown in a predictable manner and are not displayed all over the work of art. Instead, the ovals create unity within the work of art. 

I consider my best work to be in my final project because I was able to take everything I learned this semester and apply it each and every photo in this project. Furthermore, I had the most fun taking these photos. The overall goal when taking these photos was to capture the image of people doing what they love and enjoy. Taking these photos has shown me that when people do what they love to do, they are more content with life. At first, I was taking photos to complete the assignment, but as I went around campus and took more photos, I was inspired to pursue and do things that I loved rather than listen to what other people tell me to do. Taking these photos brought me pleasure and taught me to do the things I enjoy doing. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Project

Farley Taking photos.

Kathy singing.

Anushri being one with nature

Shriva taking selfies.

Prerika painting.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Student Website Reviews

First Period:

I like the photo she took on April 23 because it shows vibrance and is different from all the other photos on her website. The colors contrasted with the black background make the fireworks stand out even more.

Second Period:

This photo was very impressive because the shot was taken before the basketball even fell on the ground. It must have been very difficult for someone to pose in that position without hurting themselves or falling.

Third Period:

This photo is very aesthetically pleasing. His pictures show objects from different perspectives showing exquisite skill and passion. I like the photo with the fish the best because it shows alot of detail and the photograph is very clear.

Fourth Period:

My favorite photo is the one taken in Catalina.  This picture taken from a higher perspective exhibits spacing and color. My favorite part of the picture is the horizon line.