Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design in Structure: Proportion


Temperature: -15
Tint: +13
Exposure: -0.40
Contrast: +50
Highlights: -31
Shadows: +53
Whites: -100
Blacks: -33
Clarity: -7
Vibrance: +26
Saturation: -18

This photo shows proportion because it compares the structure, the thinker statue, to Shriva. As you can see, the size of the thinker is bigger than Shriva showing size relative to proportions.

Principles of Design in Structure: Repetition


Temperature: -14
Tint: +22
Exposure: -0.30
Contrast: +56
Highlights: -24
Shadows: +19
Whites: +32
Blacks: -52
Clarity: +100
Vibrance: +27
Saturation: +3

This photo shows repetition because the links of the chain work as a pattern making the picture look active. The links of the chain contribute to the fence in the background giving a sense of unity to the picture.

Friday Photo Assignment

I chose Photo Number 8 from the slideshow Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta.

This photo shows variety because it utilizes many elements to create an image that holds the viewer's attention. Some elements encorporated in this photo include shape, line, form, and space. Furthermore, there are many objects in this photo including the house, vines, sign, and an empty containment box all contribute to the variety of the picture.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Principles of Design in Structure: Pattern


This photo is cropped.
Temperature: -18
Tint: -20
Exposure: -0.95
Contrast: +100
Highlights: +8
Shadows: -20
Whites: -100
Blacks: -48
Clarity: +100
Vibrance: -71
Saturation: -77

This photo shows pattern because the squares created by the fence are repeated over and over again throughout the photo.

Principles of Design in Structure: Movement


This photo was not editted.

This photo shows movement because the viewer's eye starts from the base of the bell tower and follows the path of the bell tower to the top towards the sky,

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Principles of Design in Structure: Emphasis


This image was cropped.
Temperature: +44
Tint: -18
Exposure: +0.55
Contrast: -26
Highlights: +100
Shadows: -64
Whites: -92
Blacks: -100
Clarity: +100
Vibrance: -12
Saturation: -8

This photo shows emphasis because the first thing that catches the viewer's eye are the flags. The more brilliant colors are contrasted with the blue sky and the white clouds making the flags stand out even more.

Principles of Design in Structures: Balance


This photo was cropped. 
Temperature: -23 
Tint: -1
Exposure: +0.30
Contrast: +100
Highlights: -42
Shadows: +71
Whites: -62
Blacks: 0
Clarity: +66
Vibrance: -26
Saturation: +26

This photo shows balance because although the elements on each side of the picture are not the same, the photo has asymmetrical balance. The distribution of objects and space on one side  are similar to that of the other giving the picture a sense of stability and balance. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Half Past Autumn- Gordon Parks


  • On the day Gordon Parks was born, how did the doctor save Gordon's life?
  • The doctor placed his body in a bucket of ice water.

  • Where was Gordon born? (what state?)
  • Fort Scott, Kansas 
  • What did Gordon's class adviser, Ms. McClintock, tell him about college?
  • His class adviser tells him that he is not suited for college and that people of the same race usually do not go to college. 
  • How old was Gordon when his mother died?
  • 14
  • Where did Gordon move after his mother died?
  • St. Paul, Minnesota to his aunt's house
  • Did Gordon graduate from college?
  • yes

  • How did Gordon begin his fashion photography career?
  • He started photographing fashion at a women's clothing store owned by Frank Murphy, in St. Paul, Minnesota

  • What is a "double exposure?"
  • the repeated exposure of a photographic plate or film to light, often producing ghost images

  • Who was boxer Joe Louis?
  • He was the world heavyweight boxing champion and held the title longer than anyone else in history

  • What instrument did Gordon play?
  • piano

  • What was the purpose of the Farm Security Administration?
  • New Deal programs designed to assist poor farmers during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression.

  • When Roy Stryker hired Gordon for the FSA, what was Stryker's first assignment for Gordon in Washington, D.C.?
  • to photograph the slums of Washington D.C 

  • Who was Ella Watson?
  • a photo subject, a black woman who worked on the cleaning crew for FSA 

  • What was the inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic?
  • Parks had been inspired to create the image after encountering racism repeatedly in restaurants and shops in the segregated capital city.

  • What did Gordon learn from Stryker about photography?
  • He learned that the camera can be a weapon to combat injustices in the civil rights system.

    PART 2 

  • When did the FSA shut down?
  • 1943

  •  After Gordon moved to New York, what magazine did he shoot for?
  • Vogue

  •  Who was the picture editor of Life Magazine when Gordon walked into the Life Magazine office?
  • Wilson Hicks

  •  What was the first major story Parks covered for Life Magazine?
  • Harlem Gang Leader, Red Jackson

  •  Who were some of the artists that Gordon Parks mentioned influenced his work after he moved to the Paris Life Magazine bureau? 
  • Picasso, Degas, Van Gogh
  •  How did Parks shoot fashion when he lived in France?
  • He would let the model move and move with the model at a slow speed and take the chances.

  • Where was Parks' concerto performed?
  • Venice

  •  Who was Parks' second wife? (Who was her father? What did she do?)
  • Elizabeth Campbell, her father worked for Ebony magazine and she was a model 
  •  How old was Flavio de Silva when Parks met him?
  • 12

  •  When did Parks meet Flavio?
  • early 1960s

  •  Where did Flavio live when Parks first met Flavio and his family?
  • in a shack

  •  How is Gloria Vanderbilt? Who is her famous son? Who are her ancestors?
  • Gloria is doing well, her son is Anderson Cooper, her ancestors were rich railroad company owners
  •  How did Vanderbilt describe their relationship?
  • unending love and respect for each other 

    PART 3

    • What is your definition of successful?
    Being successful means to achieve something that you desire whether it be regarding family, career, etc.
    • What have you given up to become successful?
    time, money, and effort
    • What did Parks give up to become successful?
    he gave up his marriage to his wife
    • Who was Genevieve Young's father?
    • How much was Parks advanced to write his first book (and eventual best-selling autobiography)?
    half a million dollars
    • How much money did Elijah Muhammad offer Parks to do a story on The Nation of Islam?
    • Why did Parks refuse the money?
    his ethics pushed him not to take the money 
    • What was significant about the movie The Learning Tree?
    • What was significant about the character Shaft?
    • What was Gordon Parks' choice of weapons?
    a camera
    • What reason did Genevieve Young give for the divorce?

    • In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. What recent feature film told the same story?
    • Who was Gordon Parks, jr?
    Gordon Park's son who died in a plane crash to Africa
    • What is your favorite Gordon Parks photo?
    • What will you remember about Gordon Parks in ten years?

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Texture


    This photo is cropped.
    Temperature: -3
    Tint: +8
    Exposure: -0.15
    Contrast: +70
    Highlights: -100
    Whites: -15
    Blacks: -68
    Clarity: +83
    Vibrance: -68
    Saturation: -9

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Color


    Temperature: -0.45
    Tint: +8
    Exposure: -0.45
    Contrast: +35
    Highlights: 0
    Shadows: -100
    Whites: +54
    Clarity: +62
    Vibrance: -8
    Saturation: -3

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Space

    SPACE Temperature: -9

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Form


    This photo is cropped.
    Temperature: +10
    Tint: +25
    Exposure: -0.15
    Contrast: +100
    Highlights: -92
    Shadows: +100
    Whites: +44
    Clarity: +100
    Vibrance: -68
    Saturation: -10

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Shape


    This photo is cropped.
    Temperature: -7
    Tint: -36
    Exposure: +0.05
    Contrast: +7
    Highlights: -28
    Shadows: -100
    Whites: +6
    Blacks: -74
    Clarity: +28
    Vibrance: -10
    Saturation: +5

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    Elements of Art in Plant Life: Line


    This image is cropped.
    Temperature: -8
    Tint: +24
    Exposure: -1.15
    Contrast: -2
    Highlights: +45
    Shadows: -100
    Whites: +58
    Blacks: -63
    Clarity: +100
    Vibrance: +15
    Saturation: +11